Perennials and Annuals


There are two types of plants. Perennials and Annuals. This terminology is kind of confusing so here are some simple definitions:

  • Perennial: Bloom and return each year (for several years)
  • Annuals: Bloom only once.

Benefit of Perennials

Wheat is an annual crop that requires burning or clearing fields at harvest time each year. This can lessen the quality of the soil and require more fertilizer.

Perennial crops last for at least two years and do not require clearing fields. Nutrients can remain in the soil. Watch the following short video on a new initiative to substitute wheat with a perennial crop.

Common Perennials in Southern California

  • Some Hibiscus
  • Rose
  • Mint
  • Jasmine (jasminum polyanthum)
  • Pomegranate (punica granatum)

Reclaim your Attention

Here you journey to reclaim your attention!

Individuals, groups, and other entities have undue control over our attention with mass (social) media technology. They use these tools to capture your attention and direct it for their goal and their goal only. They leave you spent and less apt to create and establish your place in the world. If you find that this is a problem, then this site is for you!

How to reclaim your attention?

You analyze your habits. Refuse what is detrimental. And practice activities for and by ourselves. We can then reclaim our attention to work for us.

Posts on this site

With short posts, we will:

  • Show examples of events and acts of creation when we use our attention for our goals and not simply be used by another.
  • Post articles about how entities (operators) operate on our attention.
  • Show examples of how plant, bird, and landmark identification can ground us in our place in the world.


James Madison and Current Polarization

Exacerbating all this political antagonism is the development that might distress Madison the most: media polarization, which has allowed geographically dispersed citizens to isolate themselves into virtual factions, communicating only with like-minded individuals and reinforcing shared beliefs.

From Jeffrey Rosen’s article in the Atlantic “America Is Living James Madison’s Nightmare”