Mozilla privacy not included product list

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Products meet basic requirements

Mozilla provides a guide on products that are designed with minimum security standards (noted with a star with laurels). These include:

  • Encrypted communication
  • Security Updates
  • Strong Password requirement
  • System in place to manage vulnerabilities
  • Privacy Policy for the device

Degree of privacy

Products are also listed from “not creepy!” (Switch, Sonos, Kindle) to “super creepy” (Ring cams, Facebook Portal).

Athena, a grassroots alliance

“This is a David and Goliath story,” she said. “David took what he had and turned it into a winning strategy. We’re taking what we have — the voices of the members of our various organizations, our collective knowledge and experience and deep understanding of the economy around Big Tech, and the experience we’ve had with making this company [Amazon] shift its behavior — and trying to build a more humane economy.”

Lauren Jacobs from David Streitfeld’s NY Times article on Athena, an alliance for better practices at Amazon