How to Water Plants

Water in the morning

Water evaporates quickly during the day; while at night, the soil is warm. But watering plants in the early morning allows water to seep to the roots for longer. The roots are the part of the plant that needs the nutrients, sugar, and hormones contained in the water.

Generally, water the base of the plant and not the leaves. Wet leaves can attract insects, fungus, and disease.

Water less days a week but for longer

Instead of watering everyday, water two or three times a week. But for longer. Water seeps into the roots.

Water the right amount for each plant

After getting into a new watering rhythm, you can now focus on particular plants.

PlantAmount of Water
Rose2 times per a week
Pomegrante2 times a month
Lime2 times a week
Sage1-2 times a week
Rosemary1-2 times a week
Mint7 times a week
Potatoes2 times per a week
Hibiscus1-2 times per a week
Watering Chart

Plant Adaptation

There is an eastern wall that shades the morning spring sunshine. Rose branches grow to the west to grasp more sunlight. So, their angle to the sun and their duration of direct sunlight increases. The branches that did not grow that way withered.

Rose grows towards the sun on a late spring day
Branches grow to adapt to the path of the sun

Test for nutrients in the soil

Why nutrients are important

With a soil test kit, I tested for pH and also nutrients in the soil. Plants need three main things to grow: light; air; and nutrients (food).

The test kit helps test for three major nutrients: Nitrogen (N); Phosphorous (P); and Potassium (K) (Potash). Different plants require each nutrient to a different degree for optimal growth.

Testing method and conclusions

I filled one-fifth of a clean jar with a soil sample. Then, added clean water to the brim, put the lid on, shook it, and let it settle. A fine clay soil will take much longer to settle than a coarse sandy soil. It took about 30 minutes to settle (another indication that the garden has sandy soil).

I used a dropper to pull liquid from the soil mixture, put in respective chemicals, shook each tube, and waited for each to turn a color. I compared that color with color gradients in a chart. I concluded the following:

  • Nitrogen: Between Low and Very Low: 35%
  • Phosphorous: Very Low: 25%
  • Potash: Low: 50%
Results for a test for nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash. Colors in test tubes correspond to swatches on a chart. All nutrients are pale in color so low or very low.
Results for Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potash with a soil test kit

Use: match nutrient level with supplemental food (fertilizer)

The soil test kit provides recommendations for supplemental food (fertilizer) in a table. The rows of the recommendation chart are for the type of plant (lawn, fruit, flower, etc.) while the columns are for Very Low, Low, Medium, or High amounts of each nutrient.

There are different tables for feeding prior to planting and feeding established plants and beds. The table for established plants indicates that a fertilizer (food) with 8-6-8 mix of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potash works for the plants in the soil area tested. The numerals indicate ounces (weight) /100 sq. feet.

This triad numeral is usually in bold on the back of any fertilizer (food) you purchase. With this information, I can purchase an appropriate fertilizer for the soil area tested. But how to apply this fertilizer is another topic!

An introduction to plant identification

Simple Criteria

We can use pattern on a leaf to identify its tree. Let’s start by zooming in to a leaf and working our way out.

  1. Vein pattern (Venation)
    1. Is there a single central vein with smaller veins branching off at intervals? Then, it is pinnate.
    2. Are there three or more central veins from the base spreading out like a fan? Then, it is palmate. (Think: maple leaf)
      • If it is a mix of pinnate and palmate, the leaf is pinnipalmate.
    3. Are there parallel veins? Then it is parallel.
  2. Shape
    1. Is the leaf widest at the center, like an ellipse? Then it is elliptical.
    2. Is it widest about a third from the base and then tapers to the apex? Then, it is like a lance: lanceolate.
      • If the reverse is true, then it is oblanceolate.
    3. Is it egg-shaped and widest below the middle? Then, it is ovate
      • If the reverse is true, then it is obvate
    4. Is it many times longer than wide? Then, it is linear.
  3. Edge of the leaf
    1. Is the edge of the leaf smooth or does it have teeth (serrate)?

Now after looking at the leaf by itself, let’s zoom out and identify how the leaf is arranged on the stem.

  • Arrangement
    • Is the leaf connected to the stem by itself? If so, then it has an alternating arrangement.
    • Are two leaves paired at the same height, one on each side of the stem? Then it has an opposite arrangement.
    • Are two or more leaves found at the same node? Then, it is whorled.

Example: Lemon tree (citrus limon)

A perennial that bears fruit all year.

A pinnate, elliptical, serrate leaf of a lemon tree taped to a notebook with a drawing of it on the right
A pinnate, elliptical, serrate leaf of a lemon tree
  1. Vein pattern (Venation): pinnate, a central vein with smaller branching veins
  2. Shape: Elliptical
  3. Edge of leaf: Serrate

Alternate arrangement on the stem. One leaf per a node, or connection to stem.

pH of the soil

Previous Test (December 2018)

In December 2018, I checked the pH of soil in the garden. With a testing kit, I found that the pH was 7.5. Above 7 is alkaline; below 7 is acidic. With a pH reference list, I found that most plants I planned to grow required a pH of around 6.5-7.

So, I added compost to increase the acidity of the soil. With compost, the acidity dropped nearer to 6.5-7.  

Current Test (December 2019)

I repeated the test today (12/30/2019). I obtained a soil sample around 3 inches deep, placed a small amount in a test tube, added a chemical provided, and added water. I put a lid on the test tube, shook the test tube, and let it settle.

The color turned a darker green. I then compared this to a chart provided and determined that the pH was a little above neutral (7). I concluded that the pH was around 7.25.

Soil sample in a test tube is compared with a chart of colors indicating pH.  The sample's color is a green between the 7 and 7.5 options in the chart
Test for pH

Purpose: Adjust the soil’s acidity to match plants

With a pH preference chart, I found the suitable pH ranges for the plants in the garden.

  • Lemon: 6.0-7.5
  • Peppers: 5.5-7

After checking the pH preference, 7.25 is a little too alkaline for the peppers. I will add compost this year as well.


Bright red leaves or bracts of a poinsettia plant shielding small interior flowers
Poinsettia” by Scott Bauer in the Public Domain

With their persistent red leaves (bracts), poinsettias are everywhere in America during the holidays. They are native to southern Mexico and Central America.

Isn’t it strange that cold and darkness are required for this bright, celebratory plant to bloom?

Time to prune the roses

Why Prune?

Roses need air and sunlight to prevent disease. By pruning a rose in an urn-like shape, you promote a flow of air and give leaves more exposure to sunlight.
You prune or cut dead and small stalks during a slower blooming period, generally winter.


  • Clippers
  • Gloves
  • Small shovel


• With a small shovel, dig up soil around the bud union, the bulbous uppermost portion of the root.
• Find gray, dead stalks. Cut them out from the bud union.
• Find stalks smaller than the diameter of a pencil. Cut just on their outward-facing thorns at an angle.

A woman pruning peach roses in a garden
Pruning the roses” painted by Raffaello Sorbi, provided by Bonhaus in the Public Domain

For more information

Click here for more on pruning from the Seattle Rose Society.

Perennials and Annuals


There are two types of plants. Perennials and Annuals. This terminology is kind of confusing so here are some simple definitions:

  • Perennial: Bloom and return each year (for several years)
  • Annuals: Bloom only once.

Benefit of Perennials

Wheat is an annual crop that requires burning or clearing fields at harvest time each year. This can lessen the quality of the soil and require more fertilizer.

Perennial crops last for at least two years and do not require clearing fields. Nutrients can remain in the soil. Watch the following short video on a new initiative to substitute wheat with a perennial crop.

Common Perennials in Southern California

  • Some Hibiscus
  • Rose
  • Mint
  • Jasmine (jasminum polyanthum)
  • Pomegranate (punica granatum)