Remotely: Ask about their lives

This is part of a series on working remotely. There are three steps: (1) create a culture of sharing and caring; (2) use a shared platform with agreed upon norms; and (3) break down projects.

This post is on (1): To create a culture of sharing and caring…

Ask your team to share about how they spend their time outside of work.

Perhaps they can share a screenshot of a game they are playing.

Playing Final Fantasy VII Remake, a re-imagined version of the 1997 classic role-playing game.

Cloud stands on a roof and sees a reactor on fire in the background
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII Remake

Or a photo from their daily walk.

Green southern hills on an early evening walk
Green southern hills on an early evening walk

Or a playlist they are listening to.

I am listening to the soundtrack from Ken Burns’ Country Music. Watching the docuseries as well.